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foul shot
tiro libre
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foul adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
asqueroso, repugnante; atascado, obstruido; enredado; obsceno; malo; antirreglamentario (en deportes)

Ejemplos de uso de
foul adjective

  • I couldn't stand the foul odor of rotten eggs.
  • The medicine left a foul taste in my mouth.
  • The weather has been foul all week.

Sinónimos de
foul adjective

shot noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
disparo, tiro; perdigones; tiro (en deportes); intento, tentativa; alcance; foto; inyección; trago (de licor)

Ejemplos de uso de
shot noun

  • Cannon operators often had to use several shots to figure out the range of their targets.
  • Let's take another shot at the puzzle.
  • She made an appointment for her second vaccination shot.

Sinónimos de
shot noun